Sunday, February 20, 2011

A simple ethos

These pages will enable me to bleat on to anyone who is interested (just the wife and next door's dog, then), without my having to bleat on and preach on Facebook, and piss of all our friends and family members with my lefty, liberal, pinko views. Now we're back, seemingly, in the 'good old days' of Tory government keeping the oiks in their place, there will be regular items about politics, as they seem to find a new way to boil my blood almost daily.

There'll also be stuff about sport, and music - oh, most definitely music, since that's what has kept me sane(ish) for longer than I can remember. Longer than I've been having impure thoughts, anyway, and that's more than 40 years...

Plus, there'll be odds n' sods on here that fit the description miscellany, and there'll be a minimum of lols, pmsls, omgs and other textlish abominations, so if that floats your boat, you'll have to internally edit. Or stick to Facebook.

Stay tuned, dear readers (blogees? bloggisters? bloggeroffs?) and we'll reach apoplexia together,

Stay golden,


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